Throttle update

Time for an update! The throttle project is coming along nicley. The control cabinet and the throttle has been wired up, now we will just have to mount the final motors before the throttle quadrant can be put into use! [Read More]
Tags: Throttle

MIP Backlighting Write-up

If you have followed our Facebook page, you’ll probably know that we have upgraded our MIP backlighting. We haven’t really covered the process in great detail on our Facebook page, so we’re writing a more detailed post here. [Read More]
Tags: MIP

Projector Screen Testing!

Projectors up and running. Still some tweaking to do & we may have to upgrade our graphics card. Warping/blend software: special thanks to the guys over at Warpalizer - Warp and Blend Software for awesome support and software! [Read More]
Tags: Visuals