
We have now got the FS-FlightControl package to use with our sim when we’re flying. It’s a great piece of kit, which allows you to do lots of stuff without going back to the instructor station.

The first thing you’re greeted with is the position part of FS-FlightControl. This makes approach training, take off training, airworks, etc. a lot easier as you can just choose which airport you’ll want to train on and then select where and what you want to train.

The map feature is also very handy for the times you’re just flying. You can see aircrafts and ATC by Vatsim, IVAO and PilotEdge, different airports and runways, taxiways and parking positions, ILS, navaids and so on. This makes it simpler for the times you are flying online.

Flight planning

Another addition is the flight plan feature. You can either create a flight plan in FS-FlightControl or if you’re using PFPX as we are, you can get the flight plan straight into FS-Flight Control. Weather conditions is also very important when you’re flying. Here you can get to know the current weather along with many different weather presets which makes it easy to change weather when you’re training.

If you don’t have a fuel and payload manager, you can just use as easily use the integrated fuel / payload feature. This makes it very easy to load up as many passengers and cargo as you want.


In addition to all this, FS-FlightControl have managed to include a View/Slew feature which makes it painless to look outside of move the aircraft. The camera feature is handy if you just have one screen to fly on, and don’t have the ability to look around.


Failures and Aircraft status is a crucial feature if you’re making a simulator. This makes it easy to see what the people flying are doing and which failures you will put on them if you are using it to train pilots. In addition, there is an aircraft statistics page with graphs which makes it straightforward to see aircraft parameters. These three features make it look almost the same as a real instructor stations in those CAE simulators.


Setup was simple. If you run it over network, make sure you use static IPs on the main computer and Instructor Station. Then you’ll just need to share some folders and build up a database, FS-FlightControl takes you through this setup step by step. It was uncomplicated and hassle-free.

IMPORTANT: This review was sponsored by FS-FlightControl. We will always express our honest opinion and viewpoint on the reviewed products.