We are using three Optoma GT1080Darbees for our visual system, warped and blended using Warpalizer.

Here’s how we did it:

First, we started building the frame for the curved canvas. A local Folk high school, called Skap, allowed us to use their CNC for cutting out the curved parts for the wooden frame. So assembling the canvas frame was quite easy, but we put effort into adding support beams onto the canvas frame, to have a stable mounting point for the projectors and to avoid dislocation between projectors and frame. The projector screen was built in sections, three layers tall. One layer consists of six 30-degree pieces and two 10-degree pieces. The screen has a diameter of 4,4 meters and the projection-area has a height of approximately 1,5m. (The MDF-plates are making a surface which is 1,7m tall), and has a field of view of 200 degrees. A gantry-type construction was made to support the projector, which keeps the projectors at a height of approx. 2,35 meters.


